Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> Good, that's where it counts.

definately.  Although I'm sure as heck going to tune out the lower
throttle position rough spots!

> I'll email you my map tonight.

cool thanks :-)

> >
> >I've been making a lot of changes in the TPS cells but haven't messed
> >with the main MAP settings.  most of the values are in the .8-1.0
> >range.  I couldn't seem to get much change in my problem areas by
> >messing with the MAP values..
> I tune for WOT with the MAP, tune for part throttle with the TPS, you'll see in the map  =)

Ahh, that makes sense.  Rely more heavily on TPS for low throttle
(higher mixture % for TPS gain) and then at WOT use a lower TPS% mixing
to rely heavier on MAP.


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
Pager: (860) 948-6713
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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