audi is far from home, quick question to get it running please

George Nimmer george164 at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

This happened to me in my '85 4000q shortly after buying it.  My
alternator adjusting sliding thingie was a bit rusted and seized up, so
it needed some liquid wrench and a bit of convincing with a rubber
mallet.  I also used a generous amount of lubro-moly anti-seize on the
adjusting rails after tightening it all back together, to prevent rust
in the future.  Also, I used a small crow bar to push on the alternator
(to maintain belt tension) while I tightened the bolt.  A flashlight is
also handy, since on the 4000q the alternator is towards the bottom of
the engine bay.

I find the alternator tensioning system much more elegant on my '86 vw
GTI 8v.  It had a small gear and toothed rails so that two wrenches
could be used to VERY easily adjust the belt tension, or to replace a
belt.  Also, it was easily accessible from under the hood rather than
under the car.  I lost a belt on my way to work one morning, and
replaced it with a spare from the trunk in under 10 minutes. I wasn't
even late to work.  But I digress...

You didn't mention which model Audi you've got, so YMMV with this advice
if it isn't a 4000q.

Good luck,
George Nimmer
'85 4000S Quattro

> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:53:42 -0700 (PDT)
> From: pasquale pilato <pasqualep99 at>
> Subject: audi is far from home, quick question to get it running please
> To: quattro at
> Just real quick, my audi dropped its alternator belt
> around 80 miles from home on my way to the airport.  I
> drove about 15 miles on 12 volts.  I'm going to pick a
> new belt up and head back to the airport in a rental.
> I just want to make sure I bring all the tools I need.
>  I'm bringing a large adjustable wrench and a
> flashlight.  Please any advise to make sure this easy
> fix ends up an easy fix and not a trip to find a tool
> to find out I need an other one.
> Thanks,
> and I'll tell the rest of the story once my audi is back.

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