'85 3B coupe quattro IC options?

Marc Swanson mswanson at sonitrol.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> With my urQ that is getting a AAN 20VT engine, I am sort of thinking
> something similar to this
> http://www.cascadeautosport.com/images/projectcars/urq/a001.jpg though
> he actually extended the front core support about 2" We have done some
> research and I think that an intercooler will fit behind the grill
> without a whole lot of problems.
> Javad also has a front mount intercooler, thought it is on an 80, the
> engine compartment and front end is not the much different.
> http://www.80tq.com/images/engine_compartment.jpg
> I think with the correct intercooler core the stock grill could even be
> used with very little modification.

Sorry I'm jumping in on this a little late..

I'm VERY happy with my Isuzu NPR diesel IC setup.  No matter how hard I
hammer on the car the intake temps stay nice and cool.  And as a major
bonus, it all fits behind the stock grille!

here are some pics of test fitting:


and here are some pics after re-welding one of the outlets to point
straight down (needed to clear the turbo):


and an updated pic of the car with the hood (finally!) painted:


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at sonitrol.net
Phone: (860) 616-7036
Pager: (860) 948-6713
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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