adjustable wastegate cap

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

>   One question,
>  after looking at a few write ups on adjusting the
> waste gate cap each write up states that there should
> be an allen bolt to keep the perch on the cap tight,
>  but the extra waste gate cap I got doesn't have an
> allen bolt it just kind a has the perch fixed to the
> cap and when the spring perch is forced off there's a
> threaded rod present kind a looks like the oil plug I
> have in the car has a little section of bolt that
> isn't threaded thats skinnier than the threaded part
> at the bottom.
> Part # on the cap is 035 145 725 A and it saies
> Austria before the #'s,
>  all so the spring from the extra cap I got didn't
> come with a stock spring it has 2 light green marks on
> the coils what kind a spring is this someone said it
> may be a euro spring it feels prity stiff,
>  how can I tell?

Not sure about the lack of allen bolt on the top, mine had one..
The basic idea is you want to get a bolt through the top of the cap that
will allow you to push down on the perch and increase the preload on the

As far as the green spring goes I've seen two different springs:  one
with blue markings and relatively light spring rate which came out of an
MC, and a black marked spring that came out of a WX which felt much
stiffer and looked slightly bigger.  I wouldn't be surprised if there
was several other variations out there..


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
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 Cell: (603) 512-1267
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