Please help - Emission test badly failed - 88 90Q
greg-list at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I wouldn't worry too much about there not being any official emissions
repair facilities because 99% of them don't know anything about a CIS
injection system anyways. I had the same problem and bought a book by
Charles Probst entitled "How to Understand, Service and Modify Bosch
Fuel Injection and Engine Management. This will provide all the needed
information to perform the emissions service yourself and it is the best
$25.00 I've ever spent. Good luck
Greg Bird
90 200tq
On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 20:17, V. Jokic (via Sympatico) wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I am new to the list... I failed (Ontario) emission test with my 88 90Q (=
5cyl, 10v), and the results were classified (by the testing facility) as=
"extremely bad".
> They even refused to work on it and give me a "conditional pass" once I =
spend $450 on the emission related repairs, since they said they knew nothi=
ng about Audis... Ironically, local Audi dealer (nor any local shop special=
ized in European imports), here in Niagara area, are not certified by the=
government to do official emission related repairs...
> Since on a quattro they can do only a two-speed idle test and measure on=
ly CO and HC ppm, here are the results:
> Idle (808 RPM):
> CO% : allowed 1%, measured 9.31%
> HCppm: allowed 200, measured 542
> 2500 RPM:
> CO% : allowed 1%, measured 4.52%
> HCppm: allowed 200, measured 232
> Could anyone five me some idea what might be wrong?
> Re CO, I suppose, I should adjust the mixture, but I am unsure where the=
mixture adjustment screw is located on an 88 90Q 5 cyl 10v engine (nor I h=
ave a Bentley manual...). Could someone give me dome hint?
> Re HC, I am even unsure where to start from - perhaps oxygen sensor?
> Also, does someone know what the exact purpose of that screw on the top =
of throttle (that works as the throttle stop) is? Can it have any influence=
on the CO and/or HC content? I did play with it one time in the past, an=
d managed to improve idle stabilization process, at that time, when a the =
throttle would be released, the RPM would dip down to 400 and then bounce b=
ack to about 800, but after turning that throttle stop screw anti-clockwise=
, the RPM now quickly drops to about 1200 and then usually goes slowly dow=
n to 800.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Joe
> --
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