knock sensor light

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> Just browsing the bentley, looking at the wiring diagram of the ignition
> control unit (89 90q). pin 6 runs between the ign control unit and fp relay,
> in between it has a note saying "to knock sensor light" hello!!! Where can I
> find this mysterious undocumented feature? Or can I wire my own in??

Been there, explored that.

That note just refers to the check engine light.

The ecu will turn on the "knock light" only when maximum ignition retard
is reached due to the detection of knock.  It doesn't light up at every
knock event detected.

Best Regards

Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
Pager: (860) 948-6713
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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