Latest fumbling autocross videos 4ktq+90tq

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> All in all it was definitely a fun event,

Wow, understatement!  Those of you who have never attended an auto-x you
owe it to yourself to go and try it out.  It really doesn't matter what
kind of car you bring (the best time of the day was made by a lightly
modified VW GTI).

>  I can 'happily' say that this course for one reason or
> another threw off even the most seasoned auto-xers there,

"happily" because it doesn't make us feel so stoooopid when we did it
ourselves ;-)

I think Nate managed to get away with no off-course runs.  My first run
of the day was another story.  Even after walking the course it is
amazing how confused you can get once you run it for the first time.
>From now on I'm going to make a practice of taking the first run really
easy just to get a feel for the course.  Nate told me this.  See how
well I listen? ;-)

The lesson of the day is that I need more track practice.  It is
definitely the loose nut behind the wheel that affects track times the
most, not how much car you bring to the track!

Me and Nate put down a helluva lot of rubber on the track in spectacular
fashion, while the people with the best track times usually only let of
a few tire chirps here and there.  It is sooo all about finesse.

>  as I think
> nearly every single person running had at least one off course, or damn
> near to it. And many did their share of cone harvesting.

Once you know you aren't going to make a turn it is kind of sadistic fun
to run the suckers over ;-)

> Marc wanted me to point out that the couple of horn blats you hear from
> his car were due to the fact that pressure on the steering wheel
> occasionally causes his horn to sound off.

I _really_ need to fix that...

87' 4ktq (4-wheel-burnout launches == fuuuuuun)
88' 90q

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