20th anniversary of 4kq in U.S. coming up (trivia)

Jonathan Monetti jmone3036 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 27 00:04:22 EST 2003

Just stumbled across this in Alan Henry's 1984 book "Audi Quattro"

"...so successful was the Quattro in the U.S. that it was merely a formality
that the company would follow it with the U.S. version of the Audi 80
Quattro under its American nomenclature 4000S.  Released to the U.S.
population on the thirtieth of November 1983, Porsche-Audi claimed a genuine
115 bhp giving a genuine top speed of 115 mph..."

It's on page 150 for you trivia fans out there.

Jon Monetti

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