'87 4kq: fuel pump noise

David duandcc_forums at cox.net
Thu Nov 27 22:38:15 EST 2003

Mine does that too. Upon turning the key to the on position I get a humm from the pump for no mopre than a second. I'd bet it's normal and it's jsut priming/pressurizing the system...

87.5 CGT
SE Virginia
From: "Andrew Buc" <abuc at attglobal.net>
Date: 2003/11/27 Thu PM 08:12:42 EST
To: Quattro List <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: '87 4kq: fuel pump noise

When I first turn the ignition key, I get a whine from the fuel pump for maybe
a second or less, every time. I just took the car to Al Swackhammer for some
work, and he pointed this out, but I suspect it's been doing it for a while and
I wasn't noticing it.

One reason I took the car in was it was giving some trouble starting (as I
posted about a month ago). Al thought the noise might point to a fuel pump
problem that could enter into it, but he also found that the 4.5-y.o. battery
was in bad shape. I replaced the battery, and no starting problem since.

So now the question is what to make of the noise. It doesn't really bother me
in itself, but if it points to a problem, then I'll want to do something about
it. Any thoughts? TIA, and happy turkeys!
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