Cannot remove O2 sensor *

Ameer Antar antar at
Sat Nov 29 01:44:42 EST 2003

Hey Cat,
I would use something a little better than liquid wrench. I use PB Blaster which is from the local NAPA, but I'm sure if you ask a decent auto parts store, they will get you the good stuff (maybe different name). Spray several times, soaking it as much as you can, then wait a day or a few hours. If it's still stuck, sometimes I end up cutting the wire very close to the metal so I can fit a normal deep socket w/ no cutout. That should give a bit better torque. Impact wrenches are also very good at this stuff b/c of the impacts which make removing bolts 100x easier than even w/ a breaker bar. When putting in the new sensor, make sure it comes w/ silver anti-seize paste on the threads to prevent this from happening again. If not you can also get this at the parts store. Just make sure to use a small amount only on the threads, otherwise it could ruin the sensor if it got inside the tip. Make sure to replace the O2 regularly and this shouldn't happen again. I would never bother to test an O2 if in doubt on the early cars since they're relatively cheap and a marginal O2 can make a car run poorly. Good luck.


---Original Message---
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 21:04:39 -0500
From: Cat <iceisit at>
Subject: Cannot remove O2 sensor *
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <v0422080abbedaedee45a@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

My husband cannot seem to remove the O2 sensor from the 87 Audi 5000.
I tried an 8' extension and also liquid wrench.

Any suggestions?



^. .^   ~

   "Destiny is fate, minus the power of one, divided by intervention." 


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