cannot remove OX sensor

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Sat Nov 29 08:17:59 EST 2003


  I just had a terrible time doing my V8's OX sensor &
ended up using a piece of 5ft pipe over the wrench
that finally made the darn thing move.
 But if it's a turbo 5k the ox sensor is on the pass
side up ontop of the down pipe if so remove all that's
in the way so you can swing a wrench around,
 spraying with penatrant is good I'd follow that with
some gentle taps with a hammer on the sides of the
bung that hold the sensor in place to break up any
crud around it & just keep working it with the wrench
it'll come out.
 If it's a non turbo 5k then the ox sensor is in the
cat the best way i've found to do this is just taking
the cat out & replacing the hardware for the cat,
 same as above for removal,
 but I would add some heat would work.
 Allso when I've done any of the ox sensors on my
Audi's I allway's tried to remove the sensor rite
after a long drive to heat everything up.

  Allso I hope you used the generic sensor found at
any parts place the Bosch # is 13913 just a simple
splice job,
 the sensor is for a Ford Tourous (sp?) from like 86
or so sensor cost around $30 compaired to the $130
sensor from Audi.
 Hope this helps
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 pearl 87k 

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