5ktq timing pin wierdness...

steve ankney ankneys at vwmail.net
Fri Oct 3 16:41:28 EDT 2003


Ok, on Tuesday morning went out to start the 5ktq and it won't start. It would crank but no start...

Pulled fault codes and got 2112. This is the fault code for timing reference sensor, hall sensor, missing timing fin, broken flywheel teeth...


So I try a spare distributor and timing sensor I have laying around. No go. Car won't start. Bummed.

I'm thinking worst case scenario, the timing pin broke/fell out on the flywheel or the flywheel broke some teeth off. Bummed.

Have the car towed down to local indy Audi wrench. He confirms it's probably the pin as the hall and timing sensors spec out. He says give him some time to confirm.

I'm bummed because I just paid $1000+ just a couple of months ago to have the clutch replaced and the flywheel surfaced. I did not want to pay to have the tranny dropped again...

Fast forward to today. They get the new timing pin, a .68 cent piece. Pull the old pin through the opening in the tranny and put the new one in. Car fires right up and runs great...

Now here's the wierd part: the mechanic is stumped because the old timing pin looks fine. It was not damaged or missing. Hmmmm...

Any ideas what happened to that pin? Why wouldn't the reference sensor read it?


86 5ktq  IA chip, single pass IC, Schrick cam, BPV, K26 hybrid,
         Borla XR1, Torsen driveline, Bilstein sports/Eibach's, etc...
Holland, Michigan

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