Hard Start - 87 4kq

mike mcclurg rrrrraudi at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 15:41:44 EDT 2003

....or is this the sender in the bottom radiator
plenum? At least that is where the one was on my '85
4ksq that I replaced to vastly improve cold
drivability. If you are quick, you can replace without
draining the system. Just put a pan underneath and
pour back what you spill. I only spilled about a
tablespoon! Quick, huh?

--- Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
> Sounds to me like the CIS temp sender is the
> culprit.  They're cheap,
> and easy to replace.  Located on the underside of
> the coolant neck on
> the head.

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