Hard Start - 87 4kq

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Wed Oct 8 19:17:35 EDT 2003

> ....or is this the sender in the bottom radiator
> plenum? At least that is where the one was on my '85
> 4ksq that I replaced to vastly improve cold
> drivability. If you are quick, you can replace without
> draining the system. Just put a pan underneath and
> pour back what you spill. I only spilled about a
> tablespoon! Quick, huh?

As you added, that is the rad fan switch, when I did the one on my 90Q I
had an audience eager to watch me getting drenched with coolant.  Like
you, the spillage had to be measured in drops, not quarts.

What helps is that the coolant system is sealed, and so the first "glug"
out creates a slight vacuum, not letting any more out until some air
manages to get back in through the same hole.  And that is when you have
managed to stuff the new part into place.

I had more leakage doing the CIS temp sender, which is funny because the
hole is smaller.

Huw Powell



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