Alexander van Gerbig avangerb at zoo.uvm.edu
Wed Oct 8 19:41:55 EDT 2003

    Howdy folks!  Some of you long time listers may remember me and other
newer folks may not.  I am here to announce there will be a general Audi/VW
meet in Waitsfield, VT in conjunction with DubsNorth
(http://www.dubsnorth.com) on the 26th.  I am happily organizing the event
and attempting to promote so we can have one last great event before the
snow flies up here.  With the cancellation of Mt Washington we lost a great
time to meet up, this may just be the opportunity to come out and have a
good time with other listers, plus other Audi and VW owners.  The DubsNorth
folks are a great group and always put on a good show, unfortunate about
their lack of quattro;)

    At the moment details are not 100%, but it appears that it will be
mid-morning to noon start time, some time to line cars up and organize the
crowd, a BYO BBQ lunch (there is a Shaw's directly down the road from the
event location for supplies, grille(s) provided), some time to digest and
enjoy each other's company, and finally a group drive up the infamous Rt17
(AppGap) for a dusk photo opportunity at the top hopefully.

    I would like to know what the interest levels are with folks on the
list.  If you are interested in attending please pop me a direct email at
avangerb at zoo.uvm.edu with the subject: Audi/VW GTG.  There will surely be a
website with information when all details are set, expect this shortly.
Hopefully we can out number the VW's and we can all see some long lost
friends.  I do miss MtW and the chance to get together with the list crowd,
so let's see if we can't get some folks to come out!

Thank you,

Alexander van Gerbig


Waitsfield, VT 05673

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