slightly dull reflector - better foil

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Wed Sep 3 13:22:02 EDT 2003

If you do want to go the aluminum foil route, I would suggest you look into
Bare Metal Foil which is used to add chrome to model cars and planes.
I build model cars and this stuff is pretty good. Extremely thin and
adhesive backed on one side.  There are different varieties (regular,
aluminum and super bright)  The super bright is probably what you would want
to use.  Being adhesive it is easier to put in place as it stays there.
Then you burnish it down with cotton balls and viola!


> ----------
> From: 	David Conner[SMTP:conner at]
> Sent: 	September 3, 2003 8:31 AM
> To: 	duandcc_forums at
> Cc: 	quattro at
> Subject: 	slightly dull reflector
>  I did restore most of the light output
> with careful placement of aluminum foil ... shiny side up :-)  If you try
> this you must be careful to avoid wrinkles in the foil as they would cut
> down on reflected light.  Most of my problem was on the flat surfaces
> where
> it is pretty easy to avoid wrinkles, not so on curved surfaces.  The
> heavier gauge foil works best.
> Dave C

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