outlaw cars

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 5 09:41:20 EDT 2003

>. I doubt they could outlaw a car just b=
>/c they don't have the right equipment to test it...Just my opinion.


What a novel idea!

Well, we can't check emissions on motorcycles, so since they can't be
proven to meet smog requirements, we'll just have to outlaw them entirely.
Its for your own good, you understand.

Well, we can't check emissions on 4wd or AWD cars, so since they can't be
proven to meet smog requirements, we'll just have to outlaw them entirely.
Its for your own good, you understand.

Well, we can't check emissions on large trucks and busses, so since they
can't be proven to meet smog requirements, we'll just have to outlaw them
entirely. Its for your own good, you understand.

Do you remember the (ill-fated) Sebring Electric car of the 70s? Looked
like an angry shoe, basically a souped up golf cart, and just barely street

Here is a verbatim transcript of a conversation I had with a State of
Florida Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (before the governor fired them all).

"Your car fails inspection - it doesn't have a tailpipe."

"It is an electric car, there's no exhaust at all"

"Gotta have a tailpipe, them's the rules."

"If I go buy a hunk of pipe and hang it off the rear bumper, will that make
the rules happy?"


So I did.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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