Another turbo conversion comes to life

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Tue Sep 16 01:29:01 EDT 2003

 I have tried 3 different relays.  The original KH unit and some
MC relays.  (They seem to be the same relay)
  I have also gone over the wiring numerous times.  THe only
wire to the FPR is the ground that goes to the ECU.  Without it
the pump will never run.  I have the hooked up correctly.
Unless someone bypassed it inside the harness sometime.  IF you
bridge "jumper" that ground wire directly to ground I spose this
would cause that.  Maybe I should look at the plug at the ECU
end and look for tampering.
   Do you see any holes in my theory.

   I'll have to look when the car is back from being painted.

--- Ti Kan <ti at> wrote:
> Todd Phenneger wrote:
> >I will support both of Huw's statement.  If you need I can go
> >outside and check my Kh but the the wire that goes to circuit
> BS
> >will indeed make your MC/KH fuel pump relay work properly.  I
> >just spliced mine in.  Works great.
> >  My overboost FPR Cutoff has NEVER worked on 4ktq conversion
> >though, and my Fuel Pump runs all the time when the ignition
> is
> >on.  I'm curious if you have the same problem after you
> finish
> >your conversion.  If you do I want to compare wiring notes.
> Todd,
> If your FP relay runs all the time as soon as the ignition key
> is
> turned on, and the overboost cutout doesn't work, then I'd say
> either the FP relay is not wired up correctly, or you're using
> the
> wrong relay.
> Eric writes:
> > I don't have an MC or KH FPR handy, but I did notice they
> have more
> > contacts than the JT/4k FPR.  I am going to order a KH unit.
>  Strangly
> > it is about half the price of a JT unit.  I will let you
> know the outcome.
> Eric,
> The reason why the KH FP relay is cheaper is probably because
> it
> actually has less electronics in it.  On the JT (and other
> non-turbo
> CIS/CIS-E Audi cars of the era), the fuel pump relay gets a
> signal
> from the ignition coil, and has circuitry to turn on the fuel
> pump only
> in the presence of ignition pulses.  This is for safety
> reasons
> (so that the fuel pump shuts off when the ignition stops).  On
> the
> KH (and MC) engines, the engine ECU controls fuel *and*
> ignition so
> it "knows" whether there are ignition pulses or not, and
> therefore
> the associated FP relay does not need the pulse-detection
> logic.
> -Ti
> 2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
> 2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
> 1984 5000S turbo
> 1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
> --
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>    ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at
>  //////
> ///

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