bumper cover adhesives

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Sep 17 14:07:10 EDT 2003

Anyone know what kind of adhesive will bond to the material in a Type 44
bumper cover?

My 200q20v got smacked with a sideways blow in a parking lot and I'm trying
to find a way to attach some small bolt threads to the plastic so I can
replace the broken retainer fixture that slips into the latching fixture on
the fender to hold the cover in place.  I have a spare retainer fixture  I
salvaged from a parts car, but the original attachment system was a plastic
rivet probably formed with a hot stamping tool.  I think the posts for the
rivet are formed when the cover is molded, and then the attaching piece is
put in place and something hot mushes the posts into rivets.

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