4000q max tire size 17''

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 02:24:10 EDT 2003

  Lowered or not, Tires still will compress to the same point.
Even at stock height, go over a bump and yoru rub in the same
spots as a lowered car.

--- Antti Piirainen <antti.piirainen at iki.fi> wrote:
> Per Lindgren wrote:
> > So, the only
> > solution is to replace the wheels, I am picking up a set of
> 7x16 ET37 OZ
> > Superturismo with 205/45R16 rubber tomorrow, that will
> hopefully give me
> > a bit less rubbing.
> I've got a set of OZ F-1 Cups with the exact same dimensions
> and tire
> size, though with a lowered suspension setup. They didn't fit
> nicely
> without a small amount of grinding of the rear arches, but the
> bumper
> was also an issue. Since some previous owner had reattached
> the bumper
> using pop rivets, I simply sliced a part of the topmost
> rivets' heads
> off, along with the plastic.
> Shouldn't imagine that size should be much of a problem with
> the stock
> suspension, though.
> --
> Antti Piirainen
> 87 Cq :)

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