5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

Cody Forbes cody at craincorporated.com
Wed Sep 24 15:30:38 EDT 2003

> This one's really been bugging me. I love troubleshooting (hence why I
> own some audis), but it seems that we don't have the data we need yet.
> If the problem really is ignition, then why not measure parameters
> effecting that system? I haven't seen any posts yet that detail voltage
> or signal to the coil, or from the crank sensors.

I haven't been able to find any details on what to look for exactly in my
Bentley regaurding the coil voltages. I never though to check the crank
sensors. The Mac-11 gets its RPM signal from one of the crank sensors, no?
If so then I doubt that is the issue because my EFI steals the tach signal
from the Mac-11 and reads dead accurate with what I hear by ear and what I
see on the cars tach. I will check them none the less though today. I'll be
working on the car @ about 3pm so expect some results posts at about 3:30 or

>Those would be my
> first two locations to measure. If those are producing/recieving the
> signals expected, I'd then look to the wiring between them and the ECU.
> Perhaps you could measure the signals *at* the ECU when driving. If that
> all checks out, the ECU itself would be my next target. You've probably
> swapped a spare in already though. In theory you could pull a few key
> components off the car (distributor, coil, crank sensors, and ECU) and
> do all the testing on the bench. To me it seems odd to put so much
> effort in to looking at alternator wiring and such (which may help the
> problem, but certainly isn't the most likely cause).

Like I said above the EFI ECU steals tach from the Mac-11 and the laptop
readout seems to be accurate. Hehe, you hit that one though, I've tried 3
different Mac-11s, 2 QLCC and 1 stock FWIW. The alternator stuff isn't so
bad, I took the dust cover/air duct off of it, and afterall it's a 5k so I
don't need to jack it up to fit under the front.

> After all, the car starts.....I'm guessing that the voltage during
> starting is far less than the 12.6 volts that have been causing problems.

Agreed, thats whats really killing me here! My father (who couldn't tell the
differance between an ECU and a computer monitor - after all hes on AOL,
lol.) keeps insiting that the charging system is bad because he thinks the
ECU absolutely needs 13v to function, then I ask how come it starts on  less
then 12v and he can't answer. I came up with the whole alternator wiring
thing after I decided to go on a rampage cleaning every electrical connector
I could get my hands on, and after touching the alt the car ran fine. Could
have been co-incidental.

> Also, since the same symptoms existed prior to the EFI swap (wasn't that
> posted at some point?) I would rule out the EFI system as being a
> contributor. Of course, if you really wanted to solve things, you should
> talk to Javad and see about getting a beta version of the direct fire
> setup :o) That would pretty much get rid of all the current ignition
> components, except the two crank sensors. Just a thought.

Yep, same problem on CIS, though I didn't know it at the time. All I knew
then was the CIS was going funky on me (pressure going down for now obvious
reasons) so I started replacing CIS stuff, then said screw it and went EFI
ahead of schedule. I would LOVE to get rid of the factory ignition if I
could find something that matches my criteria. Numero Uno is its GOT to be
knock sensing. I'm a high boost kinda guy ;-). My EFI is MegaSquirt, and
there are a ton of related ignition systems (MegaSpark, MegaJolt,
MegaJoltEDIS, and about 3 more), but the ones that are knock sensing don't
play friendly to 5cyl, and the ones that are 5cyl friendly aren't knock
sensing. I did find one I love (Tomtek) but I'm not electronics savvy enough
to impliment it (only 1 has been built, only stuff thats availible for it is
the gerber files for the PCB and the schematics). Hey Eric (Fahlgren) wana
build me a Tomtek ignition? Hehe. Another Mega ignition is under
development, UltraMegaSquirt, that takes the exsiting EFI, adds ignition and
a crapload of featues, and put it into the same (or simmilar) box slightly
smaller then a VHS tape. I'll most likely nab one or 2 of those for my cars
if they come out before I get somebody to build me a Tomtek. How far along
is your setup Javad? Will it operate separately of 034EFI, or are they

> --
> Dan Cordon
> Mechanical Engineer
> University of Idaho - Engine Research Facility

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