5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Thu Sep 25 00:37:47 EDT 2003

>>>> The other half of that question is, where are you grounding
>>>> your meter for each of these measurements?
>>> Various spots. Battery obviously to the neg terminal, anything in
>>> the engine compartment I usually go to the intake manifold or
>>> cylinder head. Inside the car either bat neg again or...
>> Try doing your voltage measurements using one consistent ground
>> location for all of them.  That will help identify any grounding
>> problems.
> Ok, from now on I'll stick to the intake manifold and the battery
> (can't reach battery from engine compartment!).

Actually, I meant it as one careful test - to do all those measurements
using one ground.  You can reach anywhere you want with a longer wire.
Shifting ground points to places near the voltage test point may mask
poor ground continuities... say, between the battery and engine
compartment, for instance.

> Well like I said I did do another identical 5k the same way, but just
> for you I'll go ahead and give the EFI ECU its very own key on power,
> and I'll even label the wire the "Huw Power" wire, hehe. Probally do
> that later tonight or tomorrow.

Um, yeah, ok.  Just don't call your EFI computer a "Huwlett Packard," ok?

Oh, and make sure the EFI gets power in "start" as well as "run," of course.

Huw Powell



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