quattro Digest, Vol 6, Issue 13 Re: Subject: Socket for tourquing know sensor ???

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com
Tue Apr 6 10:37:42 EDT 2004

Larry,  thank you for detailed explanation.   I will do either this or 
cut out in a cheap deep socket depending what I see first.  I just 
thought that a socket 15mm with cut out for a wire is what everyone is 
using.   But I never saw such sockets except OXS size.
Thanks again.

Larry C Leung wrote:

> Konstanin,
> Buy a 15 mm "crow's foot" socket. It's essentially and open end wrench 
> end, but the shank
> becomes an appropriate drive size (in this case, 3/8 drive) square 
> opening to which
> you can attach either a drive or, in this case, torque wrench. Now, 
> bear in mind, the
> crow's foot will cause an "under-reading" of your set torque, as it 
> extends the length
> of the torque wrench (okay, yes, I know, there was /quite/ the thread 
> on this not too
> long ago). First, for something like a knock sensor, a bending beam 
> type torque
> wrench is a more appropriate tool than a click type. It's generally 
> more controllable.
> Second: The simplest method of recalculating the torque is by proportions
>         Say the crows foot adds center of 3/8 drive socket to center 
> of the 15mm opening
>                         for sake of argument, 20 mm.
>         For sake of example, say the torque wrench measures from the 
> drive end center to
>                         point of application at the handle, 400 mm.
>           For this example, let's say the required torque is 10 N-m, 
> which becomes 0.10 N-cm.
> Set up the proportion:
>         Torque SETTING/Standard wrench length = Torque Spec/Wrench 
> with Crow's Foot
>         Torque ?/40.0 cm = 0.10 N-cm /42.0 cm
>         If you did this correctly, you should find your wrench setting 
> should be 0.095 N-cm
>                 which is 95% of the original setting.
> NOTE: If you're not sure, remember the following. Your wrench setting 
> with a crow's foot
> will ALWAYS be LESS than the original spec!
> HTH!
> LL - NY, a.k.a. the Physics Teacher
> > Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 16:41:17 -0400
> > From: Konstantin Bogach <konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com 
> <mailto:konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com>>
> > Subject: Socket for tourquing know sensor ???
> > To: quattro at audifans.com <mailto:quattro at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <4071C46D.7020009 at morganstanley.com 
> <mailto:4071C46D.7020009 at morganstanley.com>>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> >
> > Folks,  what are you using to torque knock sensors?  Is there a 15mm
> >
> > socket with cut out like for OXS available?   Any hints on where to
> > get it?
> > Thanks.
> > Konstantin.

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