Injector mounting in manifold.

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Wed Apr 7 09:08:26 EDT 2004

Im pretty sure if you locate the inlet temp sensor in its intended location,
it will work.
If you are spending the money on a nice piece of kit like 034efi, why skimp
on the injector?? Perhaps it would work, but why not just spend the extra
and get a few proper efi components? Or indeed take the next step and go
totally efi? Im sure a friendly machine shop could make you a bolt in
adaptor to go in the cs location to take an efi injector and retain it quite
easily. If not Ill draw one up for you ;) I have an na i5 inlet manifold,
and a set of bosch injectors currently sat underneath my cad workstation ;)

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at] 
Sent:	07 April 2004 13:58
To:	Jim Green
Cc:	Quattro list; apritchard at; JShadzi at
Subject:	Re: Injector mounting in manifold.

I'm following up on thest questions.

I'm toying with putting a cold start injector in the place where the air
temp sensor is and using the boss in the manifold for the air temp sensor.
It seems that this should work fine, as the boss was used for the temp
sensor on earlier cars.

So questions are:

1)  Will the inlet air temp sensor should work fine if located in the boss
on the manifold just past the throttle body?

2)  Will a cold start injector work fine as a supplementary injector, or
should I procure an alternate injector?  What alternative can be used if
need be - it would be nice to find one that fits the mounting of the CS

I plan to use 034EFI supplemental controller to fire the injector.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Green" <jeg1976 at>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
Cc: "Quattro list" <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Injector mounting in manifold.

> --- Ben Swann <benswann at> wrote:
> > On a '87 5000 turbo quattro which will get
> > supplementary fuel injector - I am considering
> > mounting an injector into the flat portion of the
> > intake manifold just post throttle.  A cold start
> > injector would go perfectly there, I think.
> >
> > Any BTDT on this, do's or don'ts? Will the CS
> > injector work fine as a pulsed supplementary
> > injector.  Are there other suitable fuel injectors
> > that have this type of flange on it?  Even if the CS
> > injector is not the correct one, I'd like to
> > provision the manifold to use the same fitment  that
> > the Cold Start injector has while I have access to
> > tap the holes for the injector and flange bolts.
> Ben, sorry, but that simply will not work.  You want
> the fuel to get into each cyl as evenly as possible.
> The only way to get it right is before the TB where
> the MM hose should be, or mount an injector in each
> runner.  Whatever you do, go in baby steps and check
> your plugs after tunning to make sure they're the same
> color and you're not running lean in any cylinders.
> Also, I think the CSV is designed more as a on/off
> valve than a high speed pulsed valve. You'll want to
> use a plain old fuel injector.
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq
> '89 80q
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