Rasafrassin' nogood blickablackin' risafrassin...front crankshaftoil seal (CGT)

P.Dooley pdooley at gte.net
Sun Apr 11 20:31:47 EDT 2004

I would remove the oil pan bolts and pull the aluminum housing that the
seal resides in.  Then you can use whatever means necessary to remove
the seal.
Even if you have to replace the housing gasket and oil pan gasket, still
cheaper than the overpriced tool. 

I have met my match.  As a last resort before ordering the $100+ front
oil seal removal tool, anyone have a good BTDT?

This is an 87.5 NG-motored CGT undergoing a slow (night, weekend) TB
All was going well until I got to the front oil seal.  I have a new one
hand, so I can see how it's made & how it fits, but for the life of me
get the old one out.  I was trying to avoid buying VAG 3083, and had
read a
few archived posts and web comments that some folks have...

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