Audi 90 Hesitation!!

Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC Anthony.Hoffman at
Mon Apr 12 13:04:00 EDT 2004

I would check the voltage to the pump while the engine is running. Audi
seems content with using below standard wiring on their cars, and I have had
to relay quite a few pumps to eleviate this problem. You run another relay
and trigger it off the original pump feed.

Tony Hoffman

-----Original Message-----
From: L DC [mailto:ldc007usa at] 
Sent: 12-Apr-2004 11:39 AM
To: quattro at
Cc: nbosyk at
Subject: Audi 90 Hesitation!!

Hello all!!

Patient is an Audi 90, I believe.

Not mine but a lister, Nik, on the Synchro group.

Hope you could give him some insight :-)

Best Regards



You're an Audi guy - I'm having a serious problem with
an acceleration issue. Seems it's fine when the car is
cold, but as soon as it gets just a little warm it
"hesitates". I use "hesitates" in the loosest form.
It's more like the engine is trying to extract
itself from the car on it's own. The power drops (but
the rpms stay in place) and BAM! it comes back,
usually repeating itself multiple times. I have to
short-shift and lug the engine to get it into high
gear quickly, so it will smooth out somewhat. I
replaced the fuel pump and fuel filter thinking these
were the problem areas; but it still persists. I
originally replaced bothe the pump and filter
because I can hear the fuel pump get higher in pitch
for a second then cut out completely right before the
car does this nasty trick. Something is either cutting
off power to the fuel pump (the relay is
fine) or the fuel itself is being cut off to the pump.
I noticed that when I open the gas cap, it hisses
terribly loud for a LONG time, like 7 or 8 seconds.
The previous owner replaced the fuel tank and
filler neck, could he have connected something
improperly to cause a pressure issue? This really
sucks, because I look like a retard drivng down the
street who can't drive stick - and I've driven
manuals since I was 13. If you or anybody here has
some insight as to what my problem may be, please fill
me in. 


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