funny license plate (NAC)

Alexander Leventhal alexander_t_leventhal at
Wed Apr 14 17:25:54 EDT 2004

My 01 A6 quattro has the tag LETITSNO -Let It Snow - and my 1974 Ferrari Dino wears the tag NZO RIP - Enzo Rest In Peace,  tempted to get BEATR for my 89 100.  :)

QUATTRO1869 at wrote:On the Hampton beach strip in NH, I saw a gentleman in a Porsche 911 C4 with 
a roof rack. Strapped in the roof rack was a surfboard. The license plate 
was "NO WIFE"

Craig K. Porter 
1998 A4 Biturbo Quattro - Stage 2+, coilovers, Big Brake kit, RS4 front 
bumper, and many more toys

1970 Porsche 914 1.7L - 5 lug conversion, fender flares, Fuchs
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