funny license plate (NAC)

Andrew Buc abuc at
Wed Apr 14 22:29:44 EDT 2004

Some I've seen or heard of over the years:

EXOCET (on Fiat X1/9)
FIATSCO (Fiat 124 sedan)
VUU (air-cooled VW bug)
Y55MPH (Seattle, early '80s)
A woman in Seattle had MENOPOZ, and someone complained about it. I don't know
if she got to keep the plate or not. Some people have no sense of humor!

A call girl in the Los Angeles area had a PAN8 license plate--for several
months. Then someone tipped off the DMV that in Spanish "ocho" = 8, and in
_cholo_ slang, well, I'll just say that "panocho" has a sexual connotation. It
was clever while it lasted.

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