Did something rather dumb

barry at moonbeast.com barry at moonbeast.com
Sun Apr 18 02:05:29 EDT 2004

The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago when I replaced the hood on 
my 5kq.  I didn't have the tension set right and the driver side hood pin would 
pop up when I pulled the release, but not the passenger side pin.

I was able to pop the driver's side pin by reaching through the grille with a 
long handled pair of needle-nose pliers.  The cable took a bit of brute force 
before the pin popped up, but it worked.

My .02,

Quoting Matt Suffern <msuffern at lycos.com>:

> The end of my hood release cable broke near the lever by the driver's side
> kick panel last week.  I have another full hood release cable assembly on
> order, set to come in soon.  In the meantime, I wanted to be able to retain
> function of the cable, so I removed the lever and stripped away some of the
> plastic sheath so I could get vise grips around the end of the cable to pull
> it.
> After having done so, the passenger side hood release will pop up, but the
> driver's side won't, no matter how hard I pull the thing or how I fiddle with
> the hood.  I really shouldn't have closed the hood all the way until the new
> cable came in.
> Is there a trick to popping the hood from elsewhere besides the cable end in
> the cabin?  From underneath the car, perhaps?  I'd really like to be able to
> open my hood again.
> Thanks again; you guys are the best.
> Matt
> Chapel Hill, NC
> '86 4kq
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