Access to air intake plate

Louis A. Mulieri mulieri at
Sun Apr 18 05:45:15 EDT 2004

	I wanted to visually check movement of the air intake metering 
plate on my 88' 5KCSTQ but it appears to be a major operation to get to it 
because of all the turbo-related plumbing in the area. I notice a yellow 
plastic plug (about 15mm dia) sticking up at the top of the airway housing 
that looks like removal would provide access to the top surface of the 
air-plate. But the plug resists removal (attempted turning and pulling) 
without mangling levels of force.
	Question, is there a trick to get this plug out non-destructively? 
If not will I be able to replace the plug with a suitable substitute after 
forcing/drilling it out? AND most of all, will I be able to see the top 
surface of the air-plate through this opening?

Lou Mulieri
Hinesburg, Vermont

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