88 90 ps hose r+r

no1of consequence iin10ded at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 20 20:00:59 EDT 2004

<<I am going to be replacing the PS hose between the pump and the rack on
my 89 90q (no bomb) and was wondering if anyone (who has done this same
job) has any words of wisdom.  Bentley specifies prying out the body
panel seal and getting to the fitting from the inside of the car.
Anyone done this a different way? >>

Chris - this is by far the easiest way because the bolts are sandwiched 
between the rack and the firewall. when you pop the panel off the 
connections are right there. I did undo the last section of the steering 
column [couple 10mm bolts] to clear a little room which made it MUCH easier. 
there is NO clearance any other way.  there are 2 connections in there, 1 
for pump to rack and 1 for rack to reservior. i forget which is which, but 
youre going to need a 19 and a 21 [i think its a 21] mm wrench to get the 
bolts off. 1 is a banjo and 1 is a 2-pc collar / insert compression fitting 
[at least it is on my car despite 3 mechanics all telling me theyre both 
banjo's]. when putting them back in, you can get them started from the 
firewall side w/ your fingers. then tighten from inside. i used standard, 
stubby and a ratcheting box end wrench to get at the bolts. its really not 
that bad, it just LOOKS really bad. =) i was terrified i'd get it all apart 
but not be able to get it back together.

make sure you get all new sealing washers. you dont want to do the job 
twice. i got a few extras cuz theyre cheap.

<<Also, what is the best way to completely drain the Power Steering
system?  I think the previous owner put 7.1 in with 11s and I bought
some 11s and would like to flush and refill.>>

i think the best way is to flush it by undoing the return line from the res. 
and into a container. plug the return inlet on the res and have someone run 
the car for a few minutes at a time while you fill the res with fresh fluid 
until it runs clean.

its messy, but works. have fun and dont spill too much 'likwid gold'.


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