Attention Andrew Karleskind

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Wed Apr 21 05:01:28 EDT 2004

Hi, sorry for posting via the list.
Andy, you seem to be having trouble receiving my email, so im posting via a
few different routes.
I have sent the money to you and it is collectable, it was sent first thing
Monday. There is a Reference number but I cant really post it publicly, I
have sent it in a direct email. Apparently you will not need the reference,
just identification.
If you need to contact me, phone me on the number below, remember I'm 8
hours ahead, im here 8:30-4:30 my local time.

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

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