on spark 85 5kt

Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil
Wed Apr 21 07:25:03 EDT 2004

The distributor should work fine. The bad coil will cause the fuel pump
relay not to switch, as the distributor switching (negative) signal is what
it uses to stay engaged. 
The reason Audi did this is when the car is wrecked and fuel line cut, if
the engine dies (rollover) it won't keep pumping fuel.

Tony Hoffman
-----Original Message-----
From: bobjackley at netzero.com [mailto:bobjackley at netzero.com] 
Sent: 21-Apr-2004 1:25 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: on spark 85 5kt

  I just got a 85 5kt that doesn't start. Its been sitting maybe 5 months.
there is no spark. I found the coil wire was bad. There was no resistance
between coil terminals 1 and 4. The codes from the tachometer test said the
hall sender was bad. So could trying to start the car with the bad coil wire
cause the failure of the coil and hall? would a bad coil and hall cause the
fuel relay not to work or is there something else going on.

  Will the ignition distributor from a 85 4kqs jt 2.22 work in the 85 5kt kh
2.2. I have a differint coil that tests as good and new fp relay. If the
4kqs distributor will work I should be good to go. If it will not work is
there someone who has one that would work I will need one soon.

Thank you This list is great!

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