Short-shift kits for 5k?

illuminaudi at illuminaudi at
Mon Aug 2 17:28:55 EDT 2004

The Billzcat kit is for later models with the 01A(?) 'boxes.  IIRC, my 5k has a 016(?) 'box.  I think the VW Quantum models used the same one, but I don't know of any other VWs that did, and the Quantum isn't listed on Dieselgeek's site.
I found the PN for the Blau kit (443 711 010) on Audiworld's Type44 forum, but I'd prefer a Dieselgeek kit because they reduce the side-to-side movement as well as shortening the throw.
'86 5kcstq
>too bad the europrice kit is $100 and the blau one was $40.  I bet if you call 
>blau it's still available.....i'd sure as heck not pay $100 for a ball that 
>raises the shifter 3/4 of an inch!  even the blau one was a $2 part from what i understand.  
> I bought a Billzcat from Richard Hoffman. I don't know if it fits your 
> car but it might be worth a call to find out if he can help you. BTW 
> Europrice sells them too. 
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 23:03:36 +0000, illuminaudi at 
> wrote: 
> > Does anyone know of a kit currently available? (I don't want to simply cut 
> down the lever.) 
> > Blau used to make one, but it is no longer listed on their site, or at least 
> that page is no longer linked (hard to tell on their site...) 
> > Dieselgeek offers a number of kits for older VW apps, but they seem to be for 
> cable actuated 'boxes. Does anyone with a better grasp of the VAG parts-bin 
> philosophy know if a kit for an older Passat would work (same basic 
> engine/tranny layout right?) Should I start hounding Dieselgeek to produce a 5k 
> compatible version? 
> > -Matt 
> > '86 5kcstq 

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