10v big valve conversion

Alan Pritchard apritchard at seaeye.com
Wed Aug 4 04:02:25 EDT 2004

Thanks for the info cody/dave.
Cody, r u serious about maybe making a few aluminium flywheels? If so, what
would be a sensible cost to get one from you? Although yours would be for
the mc engine would it not? Would that differ to my stock 90q flywheel? Or
would it be possible to mount it with a different clutch assy?

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 500tq.com] 
Sent:	03 August 2004 23:07
To:	Alan Pritchard; 'Eric Sanborn'
Cc:	Quattro List (E-mail)
Subject:	Re: 10v big valve conversion

> Anyone got any ideas about flywheel lightening? I know plenty of mc shops
> round here, just don't know the best way to have the flywheel machined....
> Also if its recommended for my na project... also, should I be thinking of
> different clutch? I will be replacing it, but will a pattern sachs unit
> suffice

Well my spare flywheel is being lightened right now, I'll let you know where
the most meterial came from when it gets done. I'm thinking about giving up
on it though, it's just sooooo heavy to start with, I may just turn up an
aluminuim one from some stock. If I do I'll most likely make a few at once.
Also I have a couple of clutch companies looking at my project, some showing
promise of making me some custom discs and pressureplates.

On the clutch side, if you are staying NA then I doubt you'll get enough
power to really hurt the stock clutch, as mine has lasted me the last 10,000
miles of _*extreme*_ abuse (well over 100+ difflock-on Quattro burnouts,
bunches of track days and drag strip runs, hell even 3 sets of tires heh)
and that I know of it's possibly factory original on my heavily boosted EFI
Turbo car. I'm not sure of the possible differance between your stock unit
and my MC, but my guess is that if the MC is this over-built then yours
should be too. If not, put in an MC clutch assembly!

-Cody Forbes
http://www.500tq.com - still haven't fixed the pictures sorry :-(
'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq EFI/k27/272cam/lots of headwork
'88 80 4cyl
'88 90 4cyl

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