Need BTDT info on replacing fuel line from tank to pressureregulator

SJ syljay at
Wed Aug 4 17:02:01 EDT 2004

> That's the flexible high pressure supply line?
***** Yes, thats the one. Flexible rubber hose, banjo fitting at the tank.

> I recently replaced the tank on my 200q20v.  From that experience,  I'd
> all you'd need to do is disconnect the banjo bolt fitting at the tank and
> use the existing line to pull the new one to wherever you want to make the
> connection.  There will be some duct tape holding the line to the tank in
> one or two places, but it'll pull loose with just a little tugging.  Check
> on the side of the tank just where the line now comes away from the tank.
> There's a loop of plastic retainer that holds the supply and return lines
> together there before they separate and go to the top of the tank.  It's
> the type of plastic tie wrap you can open and reclose.  It slides onto a
> metal button welded to the tank, so you can slide it off in one direction
> or another and then open it to release the hoses.

***** I can barely see that plastic clip on the side of the tank. Its about
8 inches up on the side of the tank. Impossible to get to without dropping
the tank.

I can move that fuel hose about a foot in and out. It wont go the rest of
the way.
It must be getting caught in an area where the rubber hose took a set.
If I work at it, I'm sure I can get it out.
The question is : How do I get the new one snaked in?  Right now I have the
bottom fitting cut off the hose.  I have a 12 guage wire taped to the end of
the hose for future snaking purposes. But with a complete hose , I dont see
how I'll be able to snake the hose with the fitting attached. It's sure to
get caught someplace . . .especiall going thru that plastic clip.


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