Audi 80 (FWD) rear drum to disc conversion...

Ben Swann benswann at
Thu Aug 19 00:20:39 EDT 2004

Short of installing the rear trailing arm assembly from the M80 - which is what I did on an '83 Coupe GT getting an MC turbo and the works, you can install the rear brakes from a late Scirocco (16V with rear disks).  The stub axles will bolt on.  Other MarkII Jetta/GTI may also work.

I have an extra set of stub axles, rotors and brakes for the above setup, as I decided to use the M80 setup.


[Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 14:38:56 +0200
From: "gerard" <gerard at>
Subject: Audi 80 (FWD) rear drum to disc conversion...
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <20040812123856.M24786 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

someone's considering converting rear drum brakes to discs on his Audi 80 
front-wheel drive machine.

I spent time looking through ETKA trying to figure out what parts can be 
used that could be sourced locally. I'm in a country where the 80/90 is a 
very rare thing.

Some parts are available from the type-44, others need to be bought new, and 
the list's good friend Chris Semple over at Force 5 Auto has good prices on 
some other required parts.

But in all my looking and checking I overlooked the entire rear axle. Ooops.

Seems this needs to be swapped for one from a 80 with rear discs. I 
suspected it, but only noticed it when I finally got pics of the 80's drums. 
There's no mounting or the calipers on the axle.

Short of having to bring a complete rear axle into the country, what can be 
done with this to fit rear discs?

Doh! Typical dumb me.


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