LAC: Jetta weight?

George Harris harchris at
Sat Aug 21 09:18:08 EDT 2004

Oh my Gosh! You mean every time I've taken this brick off and painted 
it, put antiseize on the bolts, and replaced it after doing the half 
shaft or whatever, I could have just left it off! Doh!


Drew wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 12:52, George Selby wrote:
>>I don't have a VW list to ask, so I'll throw this one to you guys (and gals):
>>I'm replacing the halfshaft on my 90 VW Jetta.  Immediately below the inner 
>>CV joint I'm removing is a large block of metal.  I took it off, and that's 
>>exactly what it is - a approx. 5 lb hunk of metal attached to the bottom of 
>>my car.  It is shaped like a brick, and has two bolt holes, and is attached 
>>with factory type bolts.  Any guesses to it's purpose?
> It's purpose is to complicate the right-side driveshaft removal process,
> which was way to easy on previous models that were not equipped with
> it... :)  Seriously, though, I believe it functions as a
> counterbalance/vibration dampener for the subframe.  I have left them
> off and not seemed to notice and ill sideffects.
> Drew

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