WG problems - testing

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Thu Dec 2 13:23:44 EST 2004

Ameer Antar wrote:

> Ya, I'm worried due to the noise. I haven't tested the boost yet as 
> this is a freshly rebuilt motor and I don't want to strain it yet till 
> I get at least a couple thousand miles on it. (I also still have to 
> bleed the brake system after replacing the MC). I thought that a bad 
> WG diaphragm would cause overboost, but I'm not sure if this would 
> cause a leaking sound.
> Sorry I should have mentioned this is for a '85 5kT, pretty much the 
> same as the MC setup. Thanks.
> -Ameer
Check also the hose and the clips connecting EM to lower chamber WG. 
Known to leak boost from there.



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