
Eric Sanborn eric.ql at sofadog.net
Fri Dec 3 07:01:05 EST 2004

Jonathan Monetti wrote:

>Anyone know of good techniques/products that help get rid of the odor (not
>mask it)?  Some have recommended using an ozone machine, lemon juice, white
>vinegar, etc.  I'll try anything within reason.
We use Natures Miracle in the house for pet accidents.  It works really 
well and is not offensive itself.  I am not sure how it would work on 
bare metal, but it works great on fibers.  You can get it at pet smart 
at least and maybe the grocery.  I think it is enzyme based.

My Suburban has/had mice.  Luckily they took up residence in the frame 
while I was working on it.  Now that the truck is on the road I havn't 
seen any signs.

Eric Sanborn
'85 4ktq


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