
Nadjkovic Kraig A TSgt 552 CMS/MXMVC Kraig.Nadjkovic at tinker.af.mil
Thu Dec 2 23:19:54 EST 2004

Have you tried regular old traps?  Or D-CON poison?  Works for me...

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Jonathan Monetti
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 10:16 PM
To: Quattro at Audifans. Com
Subject: Mice

I hate mice.

My garage has a minor mouse problem, so I've got the mothballs and pellets
and powders of bobcat and coyote urine (and bigfoot, whale, and cyclops) all
over the place, keeping the problem somewhat at bay (and no, those silly
sonic repellers don't work).   My next step is to get a tomcat.  Seriously.

They nested next to the blower motor of my CGT's ventilation system (thank
god, no nibbling).  I got everything out and cleaned it thoroughly, but
there's still that musty/pissy rodent smell when air flows into the cabin.

Anyone know of good techniques/products that help get rid of the odor (not
mask it)?  Some have recommended using an ozone machine, lemon juice, white
vinegar, etc.  I'll try anything within reason.


Jonathan Monetti
2002 A4 1.8tq
1987.5 CGT

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