Where is the engine light or plug for test engine ???? Re: My 100Q has no power again, , , big cow..

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Sat Dec 11 15:26:53 EST 2004

At 10:41 AM 12/11/2004 -0500, Denis wrote:
>     Well, i removed the cluster to change then echeck engine light but 
> there is NO enigne light circuit on my 100Q 1989 !!!!!!!!!
>     I looked under the dash and i did not saw any plug for checking code. 
> !!!!!
>     What is the next step ?
>     i looked at my v8 cluster in the garage and is not the same , i 
> tought use the wiring...... to add engine light..


My Mom's '89 100 Avant was like that, no check engine light.  Turns out 
that on the '89 models, the auxiliary warning light panel was not 
installed.  Instead a blank black plug was installed.  You can barely make 
out the outlines above the 3 gauges.  The panel with the warning lights was 
installed in '90 models, I was able to get one off a junk 
car.  Fortunately, the wiring for the CEL is really there, tied to the rear 
harness behind the instrument cluster.  I just put a bulb in the socket and 
plugged it into the warning light panel.  Its even color coded to show you 
which hole it goes in.  Turn the key to ON and voila, CHECK ENGINE light 
comes on.

As for the diagnostic connector, it should be there at the bottom of the 
dash panel under the steering wheel.  Often referred to as a "2x2" 
connector its fairly small.  If your car is really doesn't have these, try 
putting a fuse in the top of the fuel pump relay for 4 seconds then remove 
to start reading the codes.  That is after you get the light installed of 



'80 5KS
83 urquattro #900302
'85 4kq
'87 5kcstq
'87.5 coupe GT

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