cheap cam upgrade for 86 4000Q?

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Sat Dec 11 15:35:32 EST 2004

Or you can put the belt on one tooth off in either direction. Less "professional", but the same results. It doesn't give you the same adjustability, though. I'm not sure how many degrees it is, but you could figure it out by the number of teeth on the sprocket.
Tony Hoffman

Dave Glubrecht <daveglu at> wrote:
For under $100 you can buy an adjustable cam gear. This allows you to move
the troque peak higher in the rpm band and get some bennefit from the stock
cam. I am not sure how much gain you will see on a stock motor, but I am
very pleased with the results on my 10-1 motor that also got the exhaust
opened up and a minor port and polish job.
Dave G

Subject: Re: cheap cam upgrade for 86 4000Q?

> Blaufergnugen has thier own cam that doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
> is a 272degree cam for $360. They claim 10-15% hp & 25% tq increase.
> also claim the power band is increased from 2500-5000rpms.
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