88 5Ktq hall sender issues (frustration mounting) (jesper moreau)

jesper moreau airfreaknessaudi at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 13 17:59:03 EST 2004

Ive included all of the replies I have recieved so far below and thank you 
all. and so far no luck. You see.... I have checked continuity and 
resistance levels on the ECU - Coil, ECU - hallsender, My ecu is good, My 
coil is good and my dist. is good..... they all work on my other 5KTQ. And 
Chris, I am imagining that you have a 4000 , Coup GT or UR. Those are the 
only ones i know of that have Ignition modules. Now if you can prove to me 
that a 5Ktq has one.... please tell me where it is. Bently however doesn't 
mention it as far as I have read. My brothers 4K has one.

OK, now I truly believe that top dead center may be the issue here.
1.I have found the "0" on the flywheel and positioned it in the top window 
of the bellhousing
2. I lined up the notch from the cam gear to the top of the valve cover
3. I inserted the dist. and aligned the the notches
4. placed the distrib. cap on the only way it goes

so.... I heard once that if the flywheel has been replaced, the new flywheel 
my have a TDC marking 10 deg. out. Don't quote me on that. Has anyone ever 
heard of this? I'm not sure that the flywheel has ever been replaced..... 
just getting a little desperate here and want my rocket to be on the road! 
All replies much appreciated!!!

Reguards, Jesper

Joshua van Tol wrote:

Are you sure the distributor is aligned correctly? If I recall correctly 
that code can be thrown if the distributor isn't aligned right. Or the cam 
timing could be off, causing the same issue.

Paul Cole Wrote:

Wiring  resistance checks end-to-end from ECU pins to hall sender, coil, 
Coil power OK? ( ecu switches the ground I believe)
Coil driver ?
Idle stabilization circuit ?
Autocheck circuit also ties into the coil gnd ( rpm sense ? )

Look for anything that could SHORT the coil - to gnd.
Look for anything that could OPEN the coil + lead.

I don't have the Bently for this car but looking at the Haynes "example" 
showed these as a first pass culprit.

Do you have access to any test equipment ( DMM might work) that can show you 
coil voltage?  Oscilloscope or automotive ignition tester? An automotive DMM
have a "dwell" setting for measuring coil charge time.

Sounds like the parts check out good the only thing left is WIRING.

Something pinched in the wire harnes or broken in a connector would be my 
That or some MASSIVE vac. leak. ( but the code would indicate otherwise).

Chris Hall Wrote:

My thoughts...

Maybe you pinched / broke a wire on the harness that goes to the ECU
when you were taking the engine apart and now the hall signal isn't
getting to the ECU as the code says?

Have you tried swapping out the ignition module?  Those will keep a
car from getting spark... been there, done that

How about the temp sensors?  I've never had a problem, but I relmember
seeing that some of them if gone bad can stop the car from running...
and I've yanked the connections off as my 85 Coupe GT was running to
see the effect and yeah... kills the engine.

Have you recently removed the Fuel pump relay from the fusebox?  The
solder joints in those 15+ year old relays crack easier than a 115
year old woman's bones... even removing them can do it (been there,
done that with the original one AND the "replacement test unit"... had
to pop open both, find cracks by shaking the blades back and forth,
and solder both at multiple points... and that was just from simply
unplugging them!)

Search the archives for me and someone else talking about the coil
specs in the bentley and the hayes manuals... for my car (85 Coupe),
the specs are *WRONG*.  The specs in the book (although it didn't say
so) were for the 4 cylinder models, not the 5.  Doh!  I tested my coil
and it fell within both specs, then eventually found out through the
archives that the book specs were wrong.  Got a new coil and fixed my

Hope something there helps or leads you in the right direction.

Got gas?   :)

RE: the subject: 88 5Ktq hall sender issues (frustration mounting) (jesper 

"I need as much feedback on this on as possible and thank you all in 
Read the archives... need more!

The Project:

is an '88 5KTQ I pulled the top end off and dropped the bowels out of the 
bottom end.

The Background on what I did to the engine itself:

I honed the cylinders installed new rings, installed new main and connecting 
rod bearings with the engine still in the bay (poor mans engine stand)
I had the head professionally machined: surface, porting, new valves and 
guides, radial valve job on the exhaust, new lifters, new 272 blausport cam. 
Installed a 3piece exhaust manifold that spits into a k24 turbo. I replaced 
the cap rotor and wiring with new OEM and the plugs with bosch Platin W4DP0 
plugs (hence the poor mans engine stand). running a 2Bennett ECU with a 1.8 
bar w/g spring (which i ran in the car for a couple of months prior to 
dismantling the engine - WOW!)
Problem -  NO SPARK!

What I've done so far:

so, i went thru the Bentley and tested the hall sender, coil, plug wires, 
position reference sensor and all related wiring all came out ok... checked 
for pin on flywheel - present! checked and rechecked TDC. To be obsessive, I 
ran my distributor and ECU in my '86 5KTQ and they checked out fine and even 
further put the ones from the 86 into 88 and tried it and - NOTHING. I 
grabbed the coil from the '86 and installed it.. nothing. Put the '88's in 
the '86... checked out fine.

Did a code retrieval per the bently and the light flashes 2113 which means 
ecu not recieving signal from hall sender. Well why the heck not. Hmmm. I 
would really appreciate any BTDT... Jim Green... Huw Powell.... somebody? 
What might I be missing.

well if you have any further questions I am happy to answer them. and again, 
I appreciate any and all responses from you all. Thanks in advance!!!!!!

Jesper Moreau

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