Single pass intercoolers

Brett Dikeman brett at
Tue Dec 14 19:43:19 EST 2004

At 9:22 PM +0000 12/14/04, jesper moreau wrote:
>Well, I bought a singlepass intercooler and of course it has a 
>bipass valve. and that valve has a signal tube/line with a tee.....
>Which line do I splice into....
>1. the wastegate signal line (to solenoid)
>2. the ecu to solenoid

Since nobody answered your main question- the line should be run to 
any line that comes off the intake manifold.

The valve opens any time the pressure differential between the turbo 
side and the intake manifold is strong enough to overcome the metal 
spring inside.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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