88 5Ktq hall sender issues (frustration Subsiding)

jesper moreau airfreaknessaudi at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 15 15:13:52 EST 2004

Whew.... alright, I got a lot of good info and now have the proper TDC in 
all 3 places
(i was using the wrong window on the bell housing) I have now cleared all 
codes and get the 4444 reading (woo hoo!!!).

this is good..... still won't start, but today I don't have anyone to help 
look for spark and other misc. 2 man jobs.

Anything I can look for in the meantime?

what is the best way to bleed the gas line, or should I just turn it over 
till fuel makes its way through.
the thing is, I replaced the fuel pressure accumulator, the accum. lines and 
the gas tank, and the injectors (pricey suckers but i got a deal)
I jumpered the pump and loosened the line at the fuel filter and got fuel to 
blast out but didn't want to spray it all over so as soon as I saw it I 
I would love some advice as to where to bleed the line and anything else you 
gurus of all things audi can think of.
THanks all!
Jesper Moreau

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