Looking for a fuse box/relay platel for an '82 coupe

DBF dbf288 at eastlink.ca
Wed Dec 15 17:48:51 EST 2004

Thanks for the tip Louis.  I just looked the price on altrom's site and it
came in at $193.50 CAN.  You got a crackin' deal.  I'll see if any of the
other listers have one they will part with first. I would much rather toil
with a used one first, then drop a couple of browns this close to Xmas.
One ace I do have is, a buddy of mine gets me all the parts I require at
wholesale prices, so I am able to procure parts at reasonable price.
Why do these things always happen around the holidays?


----- Original Message -----
From: <Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com>
To: "DBF" <dbf288 at eastlink.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for a fuse box/relay platel for an '82 coupe
> Buy a new one: it is just over 110$CAN, and worth every penny... And the
> job is kinda long and frustrating, you don't want to do it twice.
> I bought mine (Czech built in 2002) from an Altrom retailer. Let me know
> you want one, I can direct you to the friendly garage that sold me mine.
> LaR
> 1983 Quattro, with no more electrical gremlins
>              DBF
>              <dbf288 at eastlink.
>              ca>                                                        To
>              Sent by:                  quattro at audifans.com
>              quattro-bounces at a                                          cc
>              udifans.com
>                                                                    Subject
>                                        Looking for a fuse box/relay platel
>              2004-12-15 15:16          for an '82 coupe
> As the subject says.  I'm experiencing a rather annoying anomaly in that
> the car dies, everything quits.  No power to anything but the radio (as
> it's wired direct).  I then have to pull over and reach under the dash and
> wiggle the 'big' red wire and everything powers up!  I've been plagued
> electrical gremlins since buying the car 2.5 years ago and I'm quite sure
> all the years of a leaking windshield has finally taken a toll on it.
> had it out a couple of times and it's pretty grim looking.
> The car is an '82 coupe and according to etka, the part number is 171 941
> 821 C.
> Anyone out there have one lying around that's not all green inside?  Huw?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan

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