Fuel line work around needed (SJ)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Dec 21 16:56:40 EST 2004

What model is this?  There ain't no straps holding the tank up on Type 44
Quattros.  It's four nuts on studs welded to the body.  You easily can
loosen the four nuts enough to drop the tank a half inch.  I don't
understand why you can't get the lines from the tank to come out without
lowering the tank.  There is only one wire tie type device retaining the
lines at the front passenger side of the tank and a strip of duct tape
holding them near the top of the tank.

At 09:07 AM 12/21/2004 -0500, Michael, Dave wrote:
>This may or may not be helpful - I bought the parts to do what you are
>planning (ie, the 2 fule lines), but have not done it yet. In any case,
>the guy from whom I bought them (VWPARTS) said that you 1st need to
>loosen the tank straps to lower the tank.   Then, attach a coat hanger
>to the tank line at the accumulator and pull the old line out at the
>tank. Then attach the new line to the coat hanger and pull it down. 
>Good luck,
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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