CASTROL was: Are 1.8T's JUNK????

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Dec 26 15:16:08 EST 2004

At 2:40 PM -0500 12/26/04, SuffolkD at wrote:
>Brett:  Castrol has Dino oil, a blend of dino and synthetic, and a 
>"full sythetic" at ~$5 a quart.

Castrol's "full synthetic" is not synthetic; it is hydrocracked dino 
oil, and has been since the late 90's when Castrol decided to 
increase profit margins but continue to cash in on the name 
recognition of the word "synthetic".

   It's "processed" oil, not "synthetic".  Mobil 1 and Amsoil, like 
all true synthetics, are made from base stocks called polyaphaolefins 
(PAOs) or Esters...which are entirely man-made.

Google it if you don't believe me:

Castrol isn't alone in the quest for cheating people to make a buck- 
Mobil at one point tried marketing a blend in a bottle/case nearly 
identical in appearance to Mobil1.  If the guy at the cash register 
hadn't said "are you sure you want the blend?", I wouldn't have 

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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