Oil, Oil, Oil. I'm almost afraid to ask.

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Dec 29 19:13:49 EST 2004

7.1 is the dino oil for the hydraulics system.  I think the '87 pump is
suggested to have the synthetic.

You do not want a GL5 in the tranny.

At 11:02 PM 12/29/2004 +0000, Alex Kowalski wrote:
>OK all this back and forth about the 1.8T engine, the A4 and B5 chassis and
>the sludge and the oil and the lawsuits has got the pedoodles scared out of me
>and worked me up to the point that I have to ask this question.  At the risk 
>pouring jet fuel on this fire, I feel obliged to my transmission 
>synchronizers and turbocharger to ask this question:
>I'm going to change the trans. oil (5-speed) on my '87 5KCSTQ and while
I'm at 
>it I'm going to flush the power steering system, brakes and coolant.  Now the
>question:  I _*had_* intended to use Redline MT-90 and Mobil 1 and Pentosin 
>7.1S.  However,  does anyone have an opinion of the Lubro-Moly gear oil and 
>the synthetic engine oil that Blaufergnugen advertises on this page???  :
>I also find it odd that they substitute the Bilstein mineral fluid and the 
>Syntec GL-5 gear oil in their "lubrication kits" ?!?!?!  I thought the 016 
>transmission in my 5KCSTQ required GL-4.  Is the Lubro-Moly better?  Is the 
>Castrol Syntec GL-5 some kind of cruel joke?
>Anyone have comments on this?  After hearing all of this sludge talk I'm 
>almost afraid to ask.  ;)
>Alex Kowalski
>'87 5KCSTQ - soon to have a transfusion of all vital fluids.
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